1. I have read the comments made by Sara on your dissertation texts. There is a recurring theme and that is some of you are not referencing your sources enough or well enough. You grades will go down if you do not acknowledge ALL your sources of information and in the TEXT! not just as a bibliography....


    Please read below carefully it comes from:


    When you use the quotation or idea , you must put its source in brackets immediately following the quote or your statement. You may also wish to add a footnote (at the bottom of the page) giving further information about the quote or idea, but not giving the full reference. This should be at the end of the dissertation.

    As well as this, you must provide a bibliography at the end of your work.
    A bibliography is a list of books you have consulted to do the essay.
    You will give the author, date of publication, book title and the publisher, along with the place of publication. Details of how to do this follow.
    We use the Harvard System of Referencing. This uses brackets within the text of the essay to give the source of borrowed information.

    A useful online Harvard Referencing guide: http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm

  2. Dear Louisa

    You will now have to change this blog from being like a digital note book into a part of your digital portfolio. Think about putting all of your work up on to in and then it can be seen by potential employers. Have you really chosen the right theme? Think about what people will think on it when they first land on the page..

    This site represents you and your work so make it into a digital portfolio of ALL your work. You want people to come to your site and them want to look at your site..it must become ‘sticky’
    See: http://www.problogger.net/archives/2008/07/18/21-ways-to-make-your-blog-or-website-sticky/
    Follow some these suggestions and you will find that people who might want to employ you will look more closely at you and your work…

    All the best

